Guidelines for Presentations

Please find the following information that you will need to prepare your presentations or posters. Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit full papers to be included in the conference proceedings. Further information and a paper template (Microsoft Word) is available here.

Please note that all presentation material (posters, remote video presentations, slides) will need to be submitted by the 31st August 2023 with submission instructions provided below.

  • Presentation template – Microsoft Powerpoint 

     ICEC presentation template.pptx

  • Poster template – Microsoft Powerpoint

    ICEC poster template.pptx

Oral presentation

Your 10 minute presentation will be presented according to the schedule and will be filmed to be made available to registered attendees for a limited time period after the confrence. We kindly ask that all presenters submit their slides in advance of the conference.

Slides: Prepare your slides using the presentation template saving the file as a PDF or Powerpoint. If you are creating slides in Google Keynote or another application, please convert them to MS powerpoint or PDF and test thoroughly before submission.

Those attending virtually will need to submit a recording of their 10-minute presentation (to be shown on the conference day), with authors required to log-in to answer questions and participate in a live Q&A via the virtual platform. Presenters are required to submit their pre-recorded talk to the organisers ahead of the conference (31st August 2023). A guide to help you create your recording using Zoom is available here, however other methods are available. The video can be supplied in mp4 or wmv format.


Poster presentation

All posters will be printed at A0. The posters and poster-pitch presentations will be displayed in the on-site exhibition space, given special attention during dedicated poster sessions.

Please prepare your poster using the ICEC poster template.pptx saving the file as a PDF or Powerpoint. 

Size: A0 portrait, see poster template

Content: title, author and affiliation, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions.

Appearance: focus on illustrations, we would prefer graphs over tables, with presentations from left to right, top to bottom.

The pre-recorded one minute pitch presentation of your poster should include one slide, showing both speaker and slide simultaneously. The video can be supplied in mp4 or wmv format.

Submission instructions

All presentation files should be submitted via the submission portal (see detailed instructions below).

Please name your title using the following naming convention surname-abstract_title-ICEC2023-presentation. (for those submitting posters/papers please replace the last word with poster/paper).

To avoid long filenames, please use only the first three words from your abstract title, for example ‘Tools for transparency and reproducibility in ‘big’ data driven energy demand research: case-studies of open data, open code and open science’ becomes ‘tools_for_transparency’.

Instructions for uploading files using the submission website

1. Open your web browser and go to

2. Log in to your account with details previously used to submit your abstract and click on ‘view for the abstract for which you wish to upload files.

3. Within the copyediting section of the workflow tab click on ‘Add discussion’

4. A pop-up window will be displyaed in the browser,where you should (i) tick all names listed under participants, (ii) input Presentation/Poster/Paper as the subject and (iii) state whether the file is presentation slides / presentation video / poster / poster video / paper in the message section. Then click on ‘Upload File (optional step)’ to upload your presentation/paper/poster/video file.

5. Drag and drop your presentation file or click the ‘Upload File’ button. Ensure uploaded files use the following naming convention.


To avoid long filenames, please use only two or three words from your abstract title.

For those submitting posters or presentation slides, files should be uploaded in either .pptx or .pdf format

6. Once the file has been uploaded, click ‘continue” on the following two screens. You will be able to add another file at this point should you need to. Once you have added all the necessary files click ‘complete’.

For all enquires, please contact the ICEC Organising Committee